Automated Code Grading
Easily design projects for your students to work on that will work with any of our 10+ available languages.
Kattis is used by top universities to make better assessments on students work. Let Kattis correct the code and spend more time assessing code quality.
Previously our teaching assistants focused on checking the correctness of the programs that the students handed in. Now Kattis takes care of this, and more thoroughly and objectively too. The TAs have changed their focus to the students' learning during the lab sessions. Kattis promotes student-centred learning!
Viggo Kann, Royal Institute of Technology
Some of the reasons why you should use Kattis
Easily design projects for your students to work on that will work with any of our 10+ available languages.
Stop worrying about cheating and let us take care of it. We run all code submission through our plagiarism algorithm and let you know if we find something.
We crunch the numbers so you can track overall course progress as well as individual progress through our intuitive dashboard.
Keep all your assignments in one place.
Your students can see how well they did on your assignments within seconds of submitting.
Kattis has several courses ready for you to get started for free today!
Kattis has completely changed – and greatly streamlined – the way in which we conduct our programming placement exams at the University of Chicago's Masters Program in Computer Science. Students can now submit solutions for past exams through Kattis before their placement exam, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the exam format and difficulty ahead of time. The exam itself is also conducted with Kattis, requiring minimal setup by part of our instructors who can, instead, focus on evaluating the students' solutions.
Borja Sotomayor, University of Chicago
Flexible payment options available.
per student, per courseunlimited teachers
unlimited courses
unlimited students
4000+ assignments from our archives
per student, per courseEverything in standard and...
your own custom assignments
SSO integration (Oauth 2)
Priority support
Do you need budget predictability? We can offer you a fixed price based on your estimated number of students and classes.
Kattis is used in the programming, data structures and algorithms courses at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The large problem bank (2700+ problems) provides lots of variety in programming exercises for formative assessments. We love the dedicated support from the Kattis team, especially when conducting our large summative assessment, with up to 300 students. These assessments are practical, hands-on, examination at the end of the semester with new problems we provide that the students have not seen before. Kattis lets us focus on proctoring the exams and supporting the students, thanks to the reliable automatic grading. The built-in plagiarism checker is especially valuable as it helps us improve the integrity of our students' grades.
Dr. Steven Halim, National University of Singapore,
author of the Competitive Programming book